Friday, September 25, 2009

oh hell-o!

weh perempuan, sumpah doe menyirap anjing dengan kau. HAHAH terasa? bagus lah :D

oh ya, it's not too late for me to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA aite?

HELLO people :)
please forgive all my wrongdoings, xoxo LOVE YOU <3

Friday, September 11, 2009

i'm not okay

Suddenly, I dont know why?
Why? oh Why?

I've observed that life is getting harder day by day.
I'd figure peoples life, i saw the happiness on them but
who the hell know what was the inside? their feeling?
What do they feel? All my friends kept saying that
im like the happiest girl in the world, for like never
being moody nor depressed or whatsoever,
but who the hell knows whats was inside my heart?
sister? She's great. Even how hard im trying to hide
from her she'll know everything. But as a lil sister and
as a friends i dont wanna burden any one of my beloved .
But im still human rite? When i did cried or told them
something, so that means i really need their support.
By this time, as long as i can hide , i will hide it.
Sometimes i love to see people around me who i think
has a great life, they got what they want , they achive what
they dreams on, they love people who they really love.
I just wonder why cant i be in that way?
Maybe luck was not with me yet, but then i did feel ahh forget it.
I feel so down and so depressed, Why? I dont wanna have this
feeling and i hate it. I must try my hard to throw it away.
Its okay, Allah is always there for me anyway? hurm,
There was nowhere to hide, i Think.
Ignorance? is so my new bestfriend.
Pleasee ALLAH help me,

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hey Izzati :)

Hurm, Lifes? is just like a
rollercoaster, wehee~
We have our ups and downs and same goes to our
thought and feelings. Smiles? What do the smiles says?
It gives a thousand meaning to us, lets just figure it out ?
People will smile even they're depressed or broken?
People will smile even they have a lot of problem in their mind?
People will also smile even they dont like the people who
they smile with? How amazing a smile can be? Typical.
But I think a smile can twist to be like such a torn to our
heart . Because sometimes it might hurts more to smile
in front of everyone, then to cry all alone. Well, im just a
typical teenager who can be angry, insecure & confused.
Hiding from a real pain was so my biggest achievement.
Nobody's perfect tho. So, smilee people smileeeeee :)


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i'm back, finally! haha hey blogger, how are you?

so once again, its almost the end of my life and here i am, updating.
i know you've been coming around and waiting till i update, and i am deeply sorry that you had to wait.

so i've noticed HOW FUCKING DEAD MY BLOG IS.
but i still do check my cbox, so please do come and visit just to paster me to keep blogging, thank you :) idk why but i somehow get the blogging mojo in the middle of the night or earllyyy i the morning. like i suddenly wake up and while i was rolling on the bed, i had the sudden urge to blog. weird much? haha that's me! yeah i'm not goin to school today. kenapa tak pergi sekolah? "sakit perut la mak, tak larat nak jalan nih lepastu buat muka =,= haha" fine, at last lepas jugak. dee is waiting for me. i asked her to cut school today and she said that she had choir's practise so i was likee "ohmygod, sedap ke suara kau?" hahaha lek dee, aku gurau je. and yeah suddenly she asked me if i'm goin to school or not and i said "noooo, aku sakit perut, konon*" haha so now tengah menunggu abang yang dicintai tu keluar dari rumah so that this dee can enter my house :)

btw, do you know how much i love you mahir? im so sorry for everything. i'm afraid of losing you for second time.

I Love Them, i can't live without them. SERIOUSLY!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two Kinds

There are two kinds of people in this world. The kind who listens, and the kind who talks.

Which one are you?
Are you more of a listener, or are you more of a talker? Would you rather sit there listening to someone's problems, or be the person to share your problems with someone else? are you the kind of person who would be interested in what someone's grandmother made them for Hari Raya Aidilfitri last year, or the kind who enjoys sharing about what you did at the mall today? Because really, its so hard to find listeners nowadays.

People who actually understand and listen to what you say. And today, I realized, that Mahir is a REALLY good listener :) Anyway, today was fun, good company, great company in fact. really awesome bunch of people :D fantastic food, choir's practise and cheerleading's practise. lets do it again, and the next week, Sri Utama's 2nd term exam is on Monday 29 Jun. i planned to fail. okay? :) fuck off! HAHA!

xoxo, i love my boyfriend :) -izz

Sunday, June 21, 2009

scenes from my life everyday

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down, probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than onceand it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like you've never been hurt, because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Many thoughts endlessly pondering in my mind likewise, my emotions have been changing endlessly the whole day. Having to think about exams and at the same time whatever that's bothering me or what had happened bothered me or even how im feeling right now. Such a burden huhh =.=

xoxo, i love my beautiful friends :) -izz

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blasts From The Past

move shake drop!

Yes. So, I know I have disappeared for awhile. To those who still come by here to see if there's any updates, sorry. and thank you :) I am not dead. I'm just tired with cheerleading's practise and school's choir now and have limited time to online.

it’s been one of those months where i have been building up a deluge of thoughts and ideas in my head, but remain far too much of a perfectionist to pen them down. mostly i’m just waiting for the right, quiet moment to sit down and organize all of my mental hodgepodge so that i may communicate them clearly — but i should know by now these moments always take too long to come. i miss my old friends, i do and i really need you guys back.

xoxo i love my baby, mahirrrrr <3>

Thursday, June 4, 2009

hello world :)

meet my beautiful khaleeda bustaman :)

from left : eylia, me, jenny and layla :)

I think i'm still trying to find myself & I think I have quite an attitude problemI seriously need to fix it, sigh. Is this a growing up process that we have to all go through? finding ourselves. Because I'm still not comfortable being in my own skin & I still love myself not enough. I feel bad for every single thing I can feel bad at. Why?

why why why

WHY I'm really counfused this week, confused at my own thoughts.


Monday, June 1, 2009

sick for almost everyday

Can someone tell me why whenever things are
really good ,
things get really bad,
really quickly?

I hate it .

sweet sixteen faghaaaaaa :)

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!
i love you bestfriend :)
enjoy ur sweet sixteen, 1st Jun '09

xoxo, izz <3

Saturday, May 30, 2009

bosan punya pasal =.=

What's one thing you do when you're mad?About what?
Ever been called a bitch?
I'm not a bitch
Do you like where you live?
How's your ex?
How often do you lose your voice?
How many kids do you want?
herm 2 or 3 only.
How's your sister?
shes in India, i miss her.
Does anyone like you?
idk and i dont even care
Are you a good babysitter?
No, and never
Do you have a job?
bodoh punya soalan, aku student lagi la weh.
Who was the last person to make you smile?
Ahmad Mahir :)
Are you LEGALLY able to drive?
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
herm i dont think so.
Who is your favorite person to have long conversations with?
Will you be in a relationship next month?
Yess :)
Are you any good at math?
Not that good actually but i love math
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Yes :)
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Nothing, missing someone.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
I dont think so.
Your enemy is at your doorstep begging for forgiveness, what would you do?
Oh, semua orang patut dimaafkan but NOT YOU, BLAH! HAHA
Last time you felt bad about something?
last two days.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
i dont know =.=
Do you miss your past?
Do you ever think "what if"?
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Would you ever get a tattoo?
Do you mind sleeping on the floor?
Siapa suka sleeping on the floor, daaa!
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
yes, my fucking asshole brother.
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
i hope so, *muka gatal*
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
This time last year, what was your love life like?
Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone?
Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Where is the person you miss the most right now?
Pavi lah kot, herm

Friday, May 22, 2009


meet my iqmal, fauzan and shane <3 i love you guys weh!

Happy Teacher's Day!

To post more entries regarding on my feelings and all that tiny winy silly lil thing that i used to post several months ago coz im a human with loads of emotions and love to express each one of my expressions in diff kind of way every time and that makes me a special person from any other heterosexual homosepian living in this planet but i somehow have to wait until both leagues are over and i deem, i got ample of time to blog about almost everything but preferably MORE about ME rather than anything else. HAHA izz cayunk kamo *eiuwww rempit bhai* LOL!
Fuhh. I typed in one breathe.
HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! eventhough kida nana azureen amelia and amira tak datang, aku still boleh HIDUP! yeah im proud of it :)
meet my fett :)

meet my emil and redza annoying :) HAHA

budak budak primary yang tak reti duduk diam. urghh

LOL, redza again =,=

meet my beautiful friends, nureen farahin and yasmin :)

meet my shafira :)

meet my beautiful TASHA :) i love you <3

xoxo darling :) love you mahir *tetbe*

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sri Utama's Trip

cilok pictures ni from ivan's blog. sorry ivann. HAHA!
Educational Trip
Beryl's Chocolate Factory

oh money, oh daddy!

haha, izz dah gila. i really wanna go there. "Keimyung University In Korea". WOWWW! please daddy pleaseeeee :)

As the time flies so fast, i'd realise that we need to start thinking smart. Be smart in every move we take, especially when it comes to money. money, money, oh money. Money plays an important role in our lives. People say, Money can buy anything in life, and that includes love and i must say, part of me do agree with it.

Everything circulating within our daily lives need cash.

When you eat (food),
when you drink (teh o' ice),
when you take your bath (sabun palmolive),
and even when you shit (tandas awam serbaguna).
As i was saying, everything in life needs money :) malaysia malaysia! haiyaa.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i love you mahir

I only feel like posting the pictures today,
So pictures below :D

hello loser :)

Bitch no.1 is seriously TOO OVERR LAH
She is such a busybody
and she has one stupid mouth
which talk nonsense which actually hurts people's feelings

&& This is what I found recently about her
I mean I don't believe it when I heard bout it
Cause it was told by my enemy
So that's why I don't believe
But now I think I'm 100% believing it
This bitch loves breaking people's friendship
She loves to make your relationship worse
&& Finally break it!
HA! Even if people didn't tell me that
I already realised it earlier on
Just not really sure only :)
That's why I didn't wanna say about it first

Please lahh weh!
I'm begging you
Please get a life of yours
Stop being oh-so-mature and giving advices to people
You're not that perfect and great anyway
and I think you're the most childish person I've ever seen
But acting so mature
&& Stop spying on me OKAY?
Asking where I'm going always and who I'm going with
Hello! Like i said it's my choice
So shut your blardy mouth
Before I shut them up for you
You better stop doing this
Or else it's end of our friendship

I'd rather live without you
Than to get threaten by you every single day :)

PS// Seriously, I need my own life
Don't control my life for me please, :D

boring post

At a certain age, u will realize that myspace is lamee-ass.
facebook will be the best connection between u and ur friends or maybe olldd friends.
Though i haven't understand how to use that fuckingbook.
but someday it would be my main things-to-do everyday. that is,
to check my facebook account. hee :D

my school day wasn't so bad.
can say nicee. i love going to school now. HAHA!

update more later. lazyyyyy :D

Thursday, May 14, 2009

1 2 3 4 i love you :)

i miss my sugarpie hunnybun <3 love you loads. haha bengang gila dengan en mahir sorang ni. dari pukul 2 call dia ajak jumpa TAK RETI RETI angkat phone. tape sayang i faham u tgh TIDO! LOL! okay hujan hujan hujan. tengah petir sambar menyambar. oh nooo! kena offline. tata love you guys too :) btw, im bored mannnnn!

back again :)

i love you ahmad mahir :)

When i'm with you you know you make my days so beautiful with your different ways you make me lighter i'm moving with the wind love. You know what you got for me i got for you too we can't pretend. Give me another chance to breathe in you got all the things i need and together we're just so complete you must be the reason i'm alive it's all so new yet so familiar everytime i'm next to you i feel somethin like forever yes that's right c'mon and talk to me let some uh that sweet poetic love fall over me. Give me another chance to breathe in you got all the things i need and together we're just so complete you must be the reason i'm alive. All this time i've been lookin for someone like you i never really thought you existed now i see my dreams are all comin true i just want to stay right here with you. We got together to create a new world only a real lover can understand the gift of this guy. Bells are ringin cause what you're bringin has got me singin. Now i can breathe in you're all i'm needin love is a breeze and spring is the season i'm feelin so alive inside and you must be the reason. All this time i've been lookin for someone like you i never really thought you existed now i see my dreams are all comin true. I just want to stay, right here with you. Give me another chance to breathe in you got all the things i need and together we'rejust so complete you must be the reason i'm alive <3

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Nur Afiqah Azni :)

We've come a long way, haven't we?
How long has it been?
7 years? 8, maybe?
No matter how long the years, we're still together, aren't we?
Do you remember how we first met?
I do.

It was in primary 3.
As if we're meant to be.
As if we WERE lovers in our past lives, like you said.
I'm sorry I dont notice things as much as I should.
I'm sorry I'm always neglecting you.
I'm sorry I'm not attentive enough & that I dont know when things aren't right.
I'm sorry I'm not much of a best friend.

We might not go out everyday like best friends should.
We might not talk on the phone for hours like best friends should.
We might not go over to each others homes so much that we practically live
there, like best friends should.

But who said there were things that best friends should or should not do?
Who said there was a law that insisted on that?
Who said we had to do what others say we should?

They're not us.
WE are.
We dont do all that stuff.
But we're still US, aren't we?
And I want to stay us for the rest of our lives.

i love you

My Diana and Farah Hanan :)

You two are the most loyal friends I've known in this whole world.
You girls have stuck with me all through my hard times.

6 years with Diana and 2 with Fagha.
You two are the only people I've still been close with after primary school.

Thank you for not being bored of me.
Thank you for bearing with my bossiness and arrogance.

Thank you for remembering all the important things.
Thank you for staying by my side.

Thank you, for YOU.

We might not talk as much as we used to do,
but you girls will always be my two hands,

it's as if I cant get rid of you even if I wanted to.

And let me tell you, I dont.
And I never will.

So I guess you guys are stuck with me for life.

i love you.

to the loved ones :)

My khaleeda:

You have no idea how thankful I am that I met you.
Being your friend is one of the best choices I've ever made.
I sometimes wonder:

Why didn't I realise it earlier?
Why didn't I realise how closely connected we are?
Why didn't I realise that we had so much in common?
Realise, that You + Me = a beautiful friendship?
Like they say, better late than never.

And I'm so glad that I DID realise all that, and all at the right time.
I'm honoured that you come to me when you have problems.

That you confide in me when you're down.
That you choose me over so many to tell your worries and secrets.

Honoured, that you trust me.
You're so much more than just a friend to me.
You really are one of the most beautiful things that has happened to me.

i love you

Kida, Dee, Fagha and Jenny:

I'm sorry I haven't really been hanging out with you guys much.
Truth is, I haven't been having time for anything. Not even my own family.
I dont even remember the last time I called any of you.
I've just been so busy with my school work and the cheerleading and all.
I'm so sorry I cant spend more time with you guys.
I promise I'll try my best to give as much of my time to you as possible.

Just dont leave me. Please?

i love you all.

Pampered, Loved and Hated,

Nur Izzati <3

mrs singh, fuck you!

izz said, i need my phone back ): thank you

Thursday, April 16, 2009

la la land

My blog is so dead
Damn busy with school, so many things to do, so little time ):

I think im becoming depressed. The littlest things make me sad. Its like inevitable or something. I cant get over how my parents always get me to do things but not my brother. I have to many things to worry about already. Sometimes i feel like curling up into a ball and dying. I mean its not like anyone would care. Then all the worries will go away. No more school, friend, parental problems. freedom.I think people take me for granted. Not everyone does, but many do.I wonder where my friends have gone. It's like no one bothers anymore.It's hard not to think about the future. I wonder ten years from now if i'll even be alive. Wondering why i even bother trying when everyone has cut themselves off. I'm still trying to hang on. The pain goes away when i remember the good old times when life was filled with rainbows and unicorns. It seems these days the latest trend in life is to be dead. death is everywhere. war. killing. murders.Its hard not to get sucked into the deep, deep hole of what we call life, which ends in death.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


aku memang bodoh, and so what? -_____________-"

boring day

okay today macam biasa la sekolah, tak ada la have fun sangat. okay okay la. then around 11 something kida tak ada. she leave me alone, ouch damn bored. time lunch tadi dengan kira je, but it was fun sebab ktorang cerita pasal korean movie, HAHAHA! then fadhli and ady join us. after we had lunch, form 4 T ada free lessons, oh god bosan gila weh sebab kida tak ada. my life sucks without her, i love you kida <3 haaa after school hujan lebat yang teramat sangat ): hari ni sumpah bosan tak tau apasal. LALALOSER!

arghh izz is missing someone, SECRET :)
btw tadi dapat result, OMG! sumpah nak menangis. teruk gila weh, nanti aku bagitau eh macam mana rupa dia. HAHA! shitttttttttttttttttt, i hate school.

Friday, April 10, 2009



How are you guys doing? Recently, umm what can I tell about myself, umm physically, I'm doing pretty good. Emotionally, I'm not okay. Yes, I'm nt okay. Well, don't want to elaborate further aite :) So, this week is a tough week fr me. The toughest week. *sigh* On Monday, it was okay. Tuesday until Friday, uhh, catastrophe fr me. umm I cried every night. I get emo easily this week. Heh.

Just now, after had my dinner, umm again, I cried. I cried a lot this week. Thats all I can conclude. Haha. Well, enough.

And the best part ; I lost 1kg! Haha. Even though, it just 1kg, you know how much it means to me. HAHA. It is because, I'd lost my appetite this week because of all this craziness and STRESS! ahh, pape lah. take care darlings. ILY :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

bring it onnnn

H-E-L-L-O :)

Whoa, it feels good to be back! Aha. GAHHHHHHH. I hate going to school this year. I hate Form Four. Haish. And FYI, I'm not even touch my homework YET. OMG. I'm so lazy to do or even to look at the homework. Goshhhhhh. But, I have to finish them by end of this week. RIGHTTTTTTTTT.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

stop me if u can

okayy here it goes.
to be honest i cant forget my first love Faiz.
thats what everyone knows about me. i know im stupid.
and he will be in my heart forever and ever.
then here it comes someone i think who can take away
that feelings but sincerely i said NO. then he left me alone.
he's craving for a famous girl who i dont feel so. he hurt me.
what the heck? sometimes i do miss him. maybe?
so u wanna go? then go away. BYE BYE.
but that someone doesnt seems like my ex, faiz . my faiz? haha eiuww
he's totally different and i used to think and feel and told
everyone that he's perfect and he has the type to be my
future husband someday. but maybe that time im not
that matured. childish? haihhh im being stupid again
talking like shit about him whereas he never care?
but hes the one who taught me about life, sincerity,
honesty, and he made me be more stronger.
he never scold me never get angry with me never
fight with me never argue with me. how sweet is that? LIAR!
and maybe thats why its really hard for me to forget him.
as i grow to understand life im being moree thankful to him.
i hate to say this but i miss him. i hope he have a good life there.
Luckily i have all my friends who always there for me whenever
im up or down. they gimme support they make me feel special
they make me laughed and they are so special to me.
Now, its about my SPM. i have a big challenge to get through.
wo wo wo ! soo go for it izzzzzzzzzzz! SPMMMM 2010!


Goodbyee MARCH ,
whatever happens let it happens.
theres still long long journey i've to get through :)

Life changes every minute of every day. You lose friends &
you gain friends. You realize your friend wasn’t ever really
your friend, & that person you used to hate can make a
really good friend. You look for love. You find love & you
lose love. You realize all along that you’ve been loved.
You laugh, you cry. You laugh so hard that you cry.
You do this, you do that. You really wish you hadn’t dont
that. You then learn from that & are glad that you did.
You have your ups & you have your downs. You see
good movies & you see bad movies. You wonder if your
life is just one big movie. You look at others & wish you
were them. You then realize who they are & are glad that
you’re you. You love life and you hate life. In the end,
you just find yourself being happy to be living life,
no matter what is thrown at you.

Dont ever let life put you down, just know that
you'll be you. At some point you will change, but
lifes not going to do that for you. You're going to
have to seek & find how that works, but just dont
let anyone stop you from doing what you need to do.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

follow me,


It seems all of these words couldn't be further from the truth
How did I get here? What did I do?

Your eyes, telling me lies
And making me find myself
While you have your agenda, a life to persue

So please,
Let me be free from you.
And please, let me be free
I can face the truth.

I'm blind to all of your colors
That used to be rainbow then
My eyes, where did the go to?
Why disappear?

It's hard to be all alone
I never got through your disguise
I guess I'll just go, and face all my fear

So please,
Let me be free from you
And please, let me be free
I can face the truth.

stop it

okay izz, stop from thinking bout him -_______-" enough enough! grrrr nak menangis and jerit kuat kuat. DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

my lovely bestfriend, kida yawww!

i miss u BIATCH <3

29 march 09, Sunday

Its been ages since i last updated my blog with something serious going on in my life. I'm not that busy. The reason is, I'm too free. And i spent most of my time helping My Mum with house chores, gardening, Myspacing, Ym-ing, frolicking around the mall even though it is just Jusco Aeon Au2. Maybe when I'm too bored i declared myself not busy for that day. haha. But its good to switch the busy button rather than switching the I'm too free button. When I'm too free, all that sudden death moments pops up on my mind. And from a smaller thoughts, day by day its getting bigger and bolder in my mind which makes me terrified of whats gonna happened in my future. So as a start for not being too terrified, make the best out of everything i do and accept the fate even though it fails to make me happy.

These past few days, I'm beginning to feel that I'm holding a huge responsibilities on my shoulder. I'm sorry Ma Abah, Kakak Along and friends. Before this i take things for granted. Insyallah starting from today, i wont annoyed you people with my selfishness and ignorance about all the important stuff. Deep down in my heart, I'm seriously regret with all my wrongdoings. And here, i would like to declared that half of Nur Izzati which is used to be heartless, cold, hardheaded, ungrateful and stubborn person will try to improve herself to be a better person. Insyallah.

I know that I'm good, but when there is no advice from anyone, i think that I'm turning into a spoilt brat monstrous human being. So thank god, I'm now back on track. And here i would like to express my deep gratitude to my sister of mine, Aainaa. She's insane yet a braniac! Her wisdom of thoughts always opened my eyes widely.

"you should think of your future not your stupid asshole problem. remember this, everything happen with loads of reason. no regret just keep looking forward"

Thank you kakak. Same goes to you, lets reach for the stars. Okay Captain!
Life is unpredictable. So prayer is the only weapon to survive. Only this can helps after bundles of perspiration formed on my forehead.

p/s : i miss my schoolmates, classmates from kindergarten till secondary school. love you loadss!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


What do u think about promises?
To me, personally i think it is the uniquely
human way of ordering the future,
making it predictable and reliable to the
extent that this is humanly possible.
Promises is really easy to make but hard to deliver.
Am i right? Times changed and people changed.
We wil never know whats gonna happen tomorrow.
Our mind our feelings our thought can easily changed
especially for those who has no principes in their lifes.
So, think before u make promises and if u did then
deliver ur promises sincerely n stick with ur principes.

Monday, March 9, 2009

mula lah aku punya sejarah hidup,

ishhh bengang nya dgn dia tuh. fine ah aku malas nk bebel pasal dia dekat sini kang terasa pulak la en. tapi serious dia TAK PERLU nak JUDGE aku! fuck weh sumpah aku tak suka kena judge. FACE IT! dh lama you kenal i tapi u still tak kenal i kan? berapa kali nk kena bgtau, u jangan buat sampai i BOSAN dgn you. i admit yang i mmg tak reti nk terus terang dgn you but please la tak kan you tak tau girl's feeling mcm mana. hermm okay izz, FORGET IT ):

back to my own story (:

okay bangun je pagi tadi dee call and dia cakap "weh izz, kau jangan tidur dah. aku nak on the phone dgn kau" HAHAHA comel je perempuan nih. lama gila tak on the phone dgn dee. i love you bestfriend (: then ktorang gossip cerita pasal family problem la. awww so sweet kan? herm then aku ajak dia dtg rumah sebab 'aku kan sekarang KONON nya kena grounded' BABI betul. dah la start esok balik sekolah ma yg ambil. FUCK OFF! tapi bagus jugak, boleh la aku berjimat (: around 3 smthng dee dtg rumah aku. ahaaa lama gila tak lepak dgn minah nih. guess what apa ktorang buat? haaa "ONLINE" gila tade life en? kecian la dekat dee, ala maklum la internet rumah terbakar. tu pasal jumpa internet je "weh weh aku nak online". HAHAHAHA "haaa ambil la kau, aku dh bosan online" haha then ktorang on webcam dgn rahman and farez :D sumpah best! dgn rahman la tak boleh bla. kantoi bilik dia ada 'RAHMAN' besar besar! gila mcm budak budak. tapi tape you still handsome la RAHMANku sayang. weheee!

lagi satu hot story which is budak tu tade ah HOT pun. sumpah kau kecoh gila en? dh la dulu bukan main lagi BATAK aku. siap letak photo aku besar besar dkt myspace kau. then time aku couple dulu, semua la kau nak gedik gedik. FINE, dulu aku memang boleh sabar! ye izz, sabar
! dah lama lama kau punya perangai makin sial. mula la dia ni start cari gaduh dgn aku and she said "eh kau tu dah la BAJET HOT" ya allah gila tade life doe ayat kau. sumpah ayat macam budak baru nak up. yeahhh bila orang dh buat taik dgn kita, of couse kita akan DELETE dia dekat myspace kan? yeahh thank god aku telah delete dia but DULU la DULU! after 4 or 5 months dia add aku balik and cakap sorry semua. fine aku ni lembut hati sangat sampai aku approve dia semua. then ktorang kawan (: eiuwww sumpah kau TIKAM BELAKANG! add je lebih, lepas tu STALK aku macam puki. semua kawan aku kau nk add, nak kenal. yang paling tak boleh bla kau bajet dekat semua orang kau rapat dgn kawan aku. SUMPAH TADE LIFE doe! beragak ah nk UP sekali pun. dah tu, selalu baca comment aku? asal eh? best sangat eh? kau tu, nak cover pun, baik baik la sikit. BESTFRIEND kau tu rapat dgn aku so sorry la aku dah tau semua benda la from dia. HAHAHAHA now aku mmg deserve nak benci kau, delete kau, maki hamun kau, and bunuh kau(kalau aku nak). nasib baik aku baik tade la sampai nak bunuh bunuh semua nih. dah tu tadi baru aku dapat tau yang kau tetiba BUAT BLOG pulak tu. tak kisah la kau nk buat blog en tapi SUMPAH SEBIJIK gila mcm blog aku. then poyo poyo suruh semua orang tengok. bajet la kau, asshole! masyaallah kalau ye pun nak jadi 'wanna be' cari la orang lain. orang yang kau dah kutuk bajet hot jugak kau nak kan? SUMPAH TAK FAHAM -,- boo you, DOUBLE LOSER!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sweet Sixteen Izz

yeah i'm not happy at all, sorry. First of all, thanks to Kida for the special birthday cake, eventhough kena share with douglas. i dont mind :) u make my day. haha gila perasan. but thanks girl, ILY ;)

And it has been a while since my last updated blog. I am very busy and many things happened to me recently. But bad thing ): So much i have to update about since last week. Whatever it is, i still hate my family. Blog is just what we call TROUBLE. It was my fault to be so vain. I shouldn't make a blog, but i've gone this far. No turning back, no regrets in life. Just lesson.

okayh i know im kind of being a jerk rite now but who cares?
I Joe Jonas
*haha i know im such a LAME-ass. so what? :D

p/s : He's one of my birthday wishlist. And he's ALL I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY :) hehh


Gonna be a BUSY month,
and I've promised to skip these things for a lil while
I'd just hope that, well yeah it's gonna work.

Ouh EXAM - and i havent study!
My Birthday- celebrate maybe?
Study Study Study
[these are just apart of my long schedule for March]

im BUSY, what's there left I can say?



somehow i feel hurt, somehow i really hurttt,
somehow i just let it be and somehow i dont care.
i build up myself and i be moree stronger :)

jealousy makes me wonder?
but i love them my piglet :)
opsssssy, heee.

Monday, March 2, 2009

2nd march

rindu prom ): sumpah best gila prom night ths year. i love them. goshhhh. time dance floor semua orang dah high gila. and thennnn balik kena marah dgn abah sebab balik lambat sangat! wtffffff siapa suruh kau tunggu aku bodoh?! hahaha i hate you mr saari. i dont know why!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


haaa i miss my sabah boy aka ahmad mahir <3 abc special, fly tuition, waking u up every morning. goshhh i miss you loads ): okay dah izz, its time fr you to sleep. wohooo school <3

dear fucking ex boyfriend! eh weh sumpah kau tade life kan? go and fuck urself FUCKER! sumpah penat tgk numb phone kau doe. serious aku boleh buta tgk numb kau so its better for you to find your OWN LIFE! get it? and please stop from contact my friends >,< gila kau tade life doe!

17 february,

goshhhh i cant wait fr ths sunday bebeh :D i miss you kakak! hee haa huu hiiii bosaaaannnn. dekat sekolah tadi bosan sebab shane tade dlm class. HAHA seperti biasa time physics aku and kida PASTI akan buat hal dgn mr AK. sorry sir, i knw i'll get fail for my physics's test ): haa tadi aku dgn kida tido time physics 2 period :D oh goddd, bila bangun je sumpah fresh nak mampos! HAHAHA! gila babeng doe ktorang. aku pergi bantai guna ayat "period pain" and sir straight DIAM doe. and he was like "oh okay, u can sleep" WAOOOO! gila ah. kida bajet nak copy ayat aku tapi tak lepas. hee sorry sayang! setiap kali physics ktorang buat hal dgn sir, sumpah kecian doe mr AK. *muka bitchy* jahat gila kau kida. acehhh kida konon padehal aku pun sama en en. if ada shane atleast tade ah ktorang nk tido.

after lunch at 1.45pm,
aku kida and natasha pergi toilet betulkan rambut semua then haaa aktiviti harian ktorang bermula tht is 'snap picture dlm toilet mcm orang gila' HAHAHA! it was funn. dean and douglas semak je join ktorang. dah la suka hati je masuk girl's toilet. haha bodoh bodoh. ktorang guna phone douglas sampai memory full kot. menyirap je muka mamat tu. haa time biology ada free class then aku and kida lepak dekat form 4 O sebab diorang pun ada free class. then cerita pasal 'porn' bapak babi doe korang. dah la panggil aku 'noob' wehhh, mana ada aku noob -______-" nerd je kot, HAHA! whatever! nahhh photos :D kelakar nak mati

OMG, gila en ktorang? actually banyak lagi tapi malas nak upload. sampai esok pun takkan habis. HAHAHA bangang bangang! i love you loads bitchhh<3