Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Diana and Farah Hanan :)

You two are the most loyal friends I've known in this whole world.
You girls have stuck with me all through my hard times.

6 years with Diana and 2 with Fagha.
You two are the only people I've still been close with after primary school.

Thank you for not being bored of me.
Thank you for bearing with my bossiness and arrogance.

Thank you for remembering all the important things.
Thank you for staying by my side.

Thank you, for YOU.

We might not talk as much as we used to do,
but you girls will always be my two hands,

it's as if I cant get rid of you even if I wanted to.

And let me tell you, I dont.
And I never will.

So I guess you guys are stuck with me for life.

i love you.

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