Friday, April 10, 2009



How are you guys doing? Recently, umm what can I tell about myself, umm physically, I'm doing pretty good. Emotionally, I'm not okay. Yes, I'm nt okay. Well, don't want to elaborate further aite :) So, this week is a tough week fr me. The toughest week. *sigh* On Monday, it was okay. Tuesday until Friday, uhh, catastrophe fr me. umm I cried every night. I get emo easily this week. Heh.

Just now, after had my dinner, umm again, I cried. I cried a lot this week. Thats all I can conclude. Haha. Well, enough.

And the best part ; I lost 1kg! Haha. Even though, it just 1kg, you know how much it means to me. HAHA. It is because, I'd lost my appetite this week because of all this craziness and STRESS! ahh, pape lah. take care darlings. ILY :)

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