Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two Kinds

There are two kinds of people in this world. The kind who listens, and the kind who talks.

Which one are you?
Are you more of a listener, or are you more of a talker? Would you rather sit there listening to someone's problems, or be the person to share your problems with someone else? are you the kind of person who would be interested in what someone's grandmother made them for Hari Raya Aidilfitri last year, or the kind who enjoys sharing about what you did at the mall today? Because really, its so hard to find listeners nowadays.

People who actually understand and listen to what you say. And today, I realized, that Mahir is a REALLY good listener :) Anyway, today was fun, good company, great company in fact. really awesome bunch of people :D fantastic food, choir's practise and cheerleading's practise. lets do it again, and the next week, Sri Utama's 2nd term exam is on Monday 29 Jun. i planned to fail. okay? :) fuck off! HAHA!

xoxo, i love my boyfriend :) -izz

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