Sunday, January 25, 2009

survey part 1

Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now?

Have you ever cried
from being so mad?

Does anyon
e hate your ex?

Is anyth
ing bothering you?

Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
manyy <33

Are you missi
ng anyone?
yeaah i miss ************

Are you satis
fied with how things are going?
not really

What was your last thoug
ht before you went to bed last night?
cant recall

s your ex doing?
i dont even care

Have you ever tried
your hardest, then got disappointed later on?
too many times.

Are you happi
er now? Or four months ago?
four months ago

Have you ever given
up on someone, but then went back to them?

Do you still
talk to the person you fell hardest for?

How do you feel about
dont really care.

Have you made any new regre
ts this year?

you be shocked if your last ex said they hated you?
he probably do.

Have you ever been arres
not yet.

Does anyon
e know your myspace password?
yeahh fagha && kida.

Do you know a secre
t about one of your friends that would embarrass them?
haaa yeaah ! no worries. ill keep it safely :D

Do you do your own laund

Last thing
you bought for someone else?
exercise book fr shahmi. BODOH!

Does it bothe
r you when someone lies to you?
depends if its really bad.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
mmm nope.

of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it?
of course i meant it

Do you like to read?

s the last movie you saw at home?
High School Musical

How do you feel about
chocolate covered strawberries?
awww im so fuckingg love it

Who are all of the texts
in your inbox from?
bestfrnds andd him's

Are any of your frien
ds taller than you?
yeaahh. im not that tall

Who was the last perso
n you had a conversation with on the phone?
stupid guy, naqeeb.

were you on July 4th, 2008?
macam sial, mmg INGAT sebenarnya

Do you blow dry your hair?
once a week.

Do you usual
ly tell people when they hurt your feelings?
always and always

Do you like to cuddl
yehh ,

Does the thoug
ht of marriage scare you?
not really

Did you wake up in the middl
e of the night last night?
yeah sbb bunyi mercun mcm sial kuat.

Do you think
you're wasting your time on the person you like?
i dont think so

When was your defau
lt picture taken?

was it taken?
my dad's car

What is more impor
tant happiness or trust?

Do you even KNOW how to do the laund
hell yeah !

s the last time you had a headache?
last friday

Do you alway
s care what you look like?

Are you in a fight
with anyone right now?
yeah. and im really really sorry ):

t you stayed up in the past two weeks?
3.30 am

What were you doing
online && eating

Does your phone
ring in the middle of the night often?
i do off my phone

Have any memor
ies that you'd like to forget?
id love to

Are you afrai
d of falling in love?
i dont think so

s your heart lately?
very pain

Is it cute when a boy/
girl calls you baby?

Do you like tatto
os and piercings?

Do you want to have kids?

If so, what would
you name them?
ahaaaa secret :D sebab merapu sangat

Do you like to wear sweat

Are you playi
ng hard to get right now?

Do you miss your past?
most of the time.

When did you last hold hands
with someone?
last week

When was the last time you clean
ed your room?
just nw

What are you excit
ed about?
currently nothing.

If you could
change your eye color what would it be?
yellow. bahahaha

How is your hair?
straight i think

Have you ever lived
with your girlfriend / boyfriend?

you ever take someone back after they' ve cheated?

What do you have tatto
oed on you?

When is the last time you saw firew
merdeka last two years

Are you talle
r than your mom?
yeahhh :D

Did you dress
up on Halloween?

Do you wear makeu
depends on my mood

Have you ever been calle
d a bad influence?
errr yeaahh. from my mom !

Do you like to wear jeans
or a skirt?
jeans would be better

Do you prefe
r light or dark haired girls / guys?
mm both.

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