Monday, January 26, 2009


Written by Love stories
You can reach new levels of fulfillment this year when you participate as part of a team, because optimistic Jupiter, your co-ruling planet, is in your 11th House of Groups. Opportunities to advance professionally depend on the support of colleagues and your ability to network professionally. You're ready for more responsibility and higher achievement, but ultimately your success depends on the quality of relationships you create with others. Serious Saturn is in your 7th House of Partnerships now, making your closest alliances the most challenging area of your life. Your tender heart hates to reject or criticize people, yet it's vital to associate yourself with those who are dedicated, competent and willing to work as hard as you do. Carrying the load of a less-than-capable partner can wear you down in your personal life or hold you back in your career. Fortunately, Jupiter and Saturn form three harmonious trines this year that help you discover a balance between being compassionate and setting limits. These giant planets align on January 21, September 8 and November 21 in the practical earth signs of Capricorn and Virgo to connect your lofty ambitions for tomorrow with the reality of today. Establishing well-defined goals and creating a strategy to achieve them is well within your reach.

Your other key planet is Neptune, and this year it will underscore your innate spiritual inclination as it continues the long journey through your 12th House of Soul Consciousness that began in 1999. Two eclipses in the 12th House, though, turn this into a critical year of letting go of old metaphysical concepts and religious beliefs, preparing you for new dimensions of awareness. The Solar Eclipse on February 6 is conjunct diffusive Neptune, carrying waves of feeling that are overwhelming even to you. Yet if you can just let go and ride them with faith, they will bring you to a place of deep wisdom and inspiration. The Lunar Eclipse on August 16 is as powerful as an inner tsunami that pulls you far from familiar territory. You could easily feel lost and anxious to return your feet to solid ground. But when you are willing to release the past and fully embrace the present, old wounds and doubts are washed away and the world becomes fresh and new again.

Visionary Neptune can supply another magical moment when it conjuncts the karmic North Node of the Moon on May 2, with rippling effects throughout the year. This rare meeting is one more reminder of the spiritual freedom that can be yours now. You may attract a teacher or companion who touches your soul and helps you overcome any sense of separation you have with others and the world around you. If you're already advanced on a path of personal awakening, you might become a source of inspiration for those seeking enlightenment. Take time out from your worldly ambitions and responsibilities to fill yourself with the spirit that can be found in nature, music, yoga or meditation. The benefits may not appear on your résumé or bank statement, but they are precious nonetheless

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