Tuesday, January 27, 2009

memory of 2006-2008

omg, its 2.26am already and and im soooo damn sleepy. okay aku sekarang tengah rasa mcm mcm. mcm mcm tu macaaaammmmmm nak menangis, menjerit, memekak and semua lahh. haihh, seriously everythng changed nw. and yeah i had changed too dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki termasuk lah rohani dan jasmani aku. grr i thought i cant get over you but nw trust me weh, aku dah LUPA semua pasal kau. u're just my history life tht i wont forget about it. i'm happy now so pls if you baca this blog, plss sangat jangan kacau hidup i dah. GET IT? babe, u knw who u're. sorry and thanks fr everything (: bye youuuu!

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