Thursday, January 29, 2009

29 jan

assalamualaikum :D wahhh bagus betul izz nih. HAHA today ktorg tak melepak dah sebab masing masing kena sound dgn parents so guess what apa ktorg buat? haaaaaaa, STUDY GROUP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! gila tak boleh bla wehhh. actually buat homework masing masing. grr tau tak, imran ajar aku macam mana nk buat esei SEJARAH! gila tak percaya doe. but thaaanks imran, i dah faham macam mana nak buat :D HAHA! buat homework tapi minah ni which is dee sibuk je snap picture. cohhh padehal aku pun sama en. BEST gilaaaa <3 nak photosssssss

haa time nih korg mmg kejam tak ajak ):

dee gatal tgk rommie bukak seluar haaa.

i'm a new teacher :D HAHAHA!

dee, rommie && imran

HAHA, daniel tgh semangat bercerita.

dee our new maid :D

daniel bajet rajin padehal COPY je en? HAHA

yawwww sopek doeee!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

27 jan 09

OMG, the best day EVER wehhhh <3 nanti aku update lagi eh? tengah penat gila, nak makan && tido kejap -______-" I LOVE YOU mr chan (: *takpasal*

haaaaa makin lama makin malas doe nak update blog! HAHAHA, bila fikir balik mcm bodoh je nak cerita semua benda apa yang aku buat hari hari. okay wtv izz. kau dah buat blog dah pun. dah nama pun blog so terpaksa la STORY MORRYYYY kan?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry aku mmg suka gelak secara mengejut. weeee~ okay today aku lepak castle && andalus je. haa ambil ni photos byk gila. look, sumpah malas doe nak story. if nak tau sangat pasal 27 jan nih meh sini jumpa aku, aku cerita SEMUA wehhh! HAHA!
sopek a.k.a imran && kida <3

new school

here we gooooo with sri utama school, ahaa this is my new school BITCH! sumpah masa 1st day of school aku mcm orang bodoh je. dah la kena tggu kida lama gila sebab sekolah ni start at 8am so minah ni pun dtg 7.40am mcm tu. tak ke bangang aku tggu dia dari 7.10am. grr dah la first day aku boleh pulak bantai demam. ni semua gara-gara interview ngeng tuh. WTF! then lepas kida dtg, kida bwk aku pergi tmpt assembly semua and dekat situ ada la beberapa orang tegur aku. yang aku ingat orang first ckp "welcome to SSU" is Natasha Munira. and lepastu Diyana Fatin, Tiara, Allya, Aini && Fauzann.

hehhh, time tu baru aku rasa yangg diorgg semua friendly gila. HAHAHA, happy happy. ingat kan kawan aku nnt kida je en? huu~ okayyy, after that masuk class. that time aku tak plan langsung nak duduk dgn siapa semua sebab kalau boleh mmg nak duduk sebelah kida tapi kida dah duduk dgn Aini. soooo aku punn cari lah org lain. first first masuk class dah kena cari meja sebab tak cukup ): sedihhhh. ahaa lepas dapat meja, guess WHAT aku duduk dengan siapa?!?!?!?! HAH, AKU DUDUK SORANG LA WEH! && BELAKANG SEKALI pulak tu. perghh terbakar gila ah. tapi nak buat mcm mana dah aku start lambat. HAHA :D then depan aku sepatutnya Diyana & Janise. i think Janise kesian kot tengok aku duduk belakang sorang sorang so dia move to another side. then Diyana ask me to seat with her. ahaa HAPPY HAPPY dapat duduk dengan someone (: OMG sumpah aku suka gila bau Diyana. wangi nak mampos! ntah berapa juta la harga perfume dia sampai wangi sangat. geram gila wehh rasa macam nak makan je. HAHAHA *tak pasal*

after break i think, ahaa ms Padma bagi sports house dekat all new student so that time aku dapat Red House. suka jugak la sebab Red kan? ala ala Pink gituuu. okay, time tu dah la panas terik and bole pulak mrs singh suruh ktorang "beratur" mcm budak budak like PANJAG GILA sbb ramai sangat new student. so ktorg pun Q la panjang panjang tu. aku & kida membebel && cuci mata tgk budak kindergarden. wao, comel gila la weh. after Q guess wht? boleh la pulak mrs singh pergi tukar kan aku dekat Yellow House! wtf! i hate yellow. grr nak tak nak terima jela. nasib baik Aini pun in yellow house so OKAY la dari tade kawan right? hee so, tu jela pasal my first day of school. HAHAHA, lupa nak bgtau. RAMAI gila HOT GUYS :D best best!

kawan kawan seperjuangan!

memory of 2006-2008

omg, its 2.26am already and and im soooo damn sleepy. okay aku sekarang tengah rasa mcm mcm. mcm mcm tu macaaaammmmmm nak menangis, menjerit, memekak and semua lahh. haihh, seriously everythng changed nw. and yeah i had changed too dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki termasuk lah rohani dan jasmani aku. grr i thought i cant get over you but nw trust me weh, aku dah LUPA semua pasal kau. u're just my history life tht i wont forget about it. i'm happy now so pls if you baca this blog, plss sangat jangan kacau hidup i dah. GET IT? babe, u knw who u're. sorry and thanks fr everything (: bye youuuu!

Monday, January 26, 2009

sedihhhhh ):

10.21pm 26 jan 09,

people guess wht? disebabkan aku kebosanan tade crdt so aku pun fade up tgk phone && penat tgk laptop so turun bawah MAKAN (: 10mins after that aku on TV and cari movie yg best best soooooo akuuu punnnn jumpaaa laaaa cerita nihh which is 'TITANIC' omg omg omg! dah nak dekat 10 kali kot aku tgk movie tu. and selama aku tgk, tak pernah sekali pun AKU TAK NANGIS :D wahahahaha! lawak en? haaa gelak lah gelakkkk. sedih la sial. "you jump i jump" wtffffffff.

kanak kanak ribena

from left: annissa layla, me, dee, farrah diyana and adibah
ohh my godd, picture ni time semua org tgh noob shit! HAHAHA :D
Form 1, 2006
school's trip to Putrajaya

Meet My Mum && My Sister

from left : my mum, normah. my sister, aainaa
p/s: i really need both of them right nw ):
abah && along bolehh blaa. HAHAHA


Written by Love stories
You can reach new levels of fulfillment this year when you participate as part of a team, because optimistic Jupiter, your co-ruling planet, is in your 11th House of Groups. Opportunities to advance professionally depend on the support of colleagues and your ability to network professionally. You're ready for more responsibility and higher achievement, but ultimately your success depends on the quality of relationships you create with others. Serious Saturn is in your 7th House of Partnerships now, making your closest alliances the most challenging area of your life. Your tender heart hates to reject or criticize people, yet it's vital to associate yourself with those who are dedicated, competent and willing to work as hard as you do. Carrying the load of a less-than-capable partner can wear you down in your personal life or hold you back in your career. Fortunately, Jupiter and Saturn form three harmonious trines this year that help you discover a balance between being compassionate and setting limits. These giant planets align on January 21, September 8 and November 21 in the practical earth signs of Capricorn and Virgo to connect your lofty ambitions for tomorrow with the reality of today. Establishing well-defined goals and creating a strategy to achieve them is well within your reach.

Your other key planet is Neptune, and this year it will underscore your innate spiritual inclination as it continues the long journey through your 12th House of Soul Consciousness that began in 1999. Two eclipses in the 12th House, though, turn this into a critical year of letting go of old metaphysical concepts and religious beliefs, preparing you for new dimensions of awareness. The Solar Eclipse on February 6 is conjunct diffusive Neptune, carrying waves of feeling that are overwhelming even to you. Yet if you can just let go and ride them with faith, they will bring you to a place of deep wisdom and inspiration. The Lunar Eclipse on August 16 is as powerful as an inner tsunami that pulls you far from familiar territory. You could easily feel lost and anxious to return your feet to solid ground. But when you are willing to release the past and fully embrace the present, old wounds and doubts are washed away and the world becomes fresh and new again.

Visionary Neptune can supply another magical moment when it conjuncts the karmic North Node of the Moon on May 2, with rippling effects throughout the year. This rare meeting is one more reminder of the spiritual freedom that can be yours now. You may attract a teacher or companion who touches your soul and helps you overcome any sense of separation you have with others and the world around you. If you're already advanced on a path of personal awakening, you might become a source of inspiration for those seeking enlightenment. Take time out from your worldly ambitions and responsibilities to fill yourself with the spirit that can be found in nature, music, yoga or meditation. The benefits may not appear on your résumé or bank statement, but they are precious nonetheless
i miss him, i do ):

26 jan,

yeahhh todayyy aku bangun mcm lambat sikit sebab selalunya pukul 10 dah terpacak dekat depan dapur && "ma, wht fr breakfast?" and pagi tadi ma yang dtg kejut aku semua then siap bagitau dia dah belikan nasi lemak and and air dia dah buatkan. i was soooooo excited sbb dah lama tak makan nasi lemak and straight bagun, mandi MAKANNNN :D weeeee~ okay time tgh makan nih, baru je nak masuk mulut tiba tiba along (which is abang aku) yg sial tu boleh bantai cari pasal dgn aku la pulak en. "weh izzati, nasi lemak tu mak beli utk aku lah" and dlm hati aku sumpah nak terajang dia. "kau dah tiba tiba balik lepastu ada hati cakap nasi lemak ni kau punya! nak, beli ah sendiri" and bla bla blaa ktorg gaduh like 10 mins tiba tiba ma turun MARAH AKU?!?!?! tak sial la pulak en. pehal la masalah abg aku tu. setiap kali balik rumah je ada je benda nak bagi aku naik angin. ATLAST, aku mengalah and i said "nahhhhh ambil lah nasi lemak kau!" aku basuh tangan semua then lari masuk bilik. ecehhh ecehhh merajuk la konon. thennn ma dtg pujuk aku semua lepastu ma buatkan MAGGIE. HAHA, mcm siot je maggie tapi its okay i dont mind. i love my mum. apa je dia masak aku makan (: WAO, anak misali lahhh kononNYA!

satakat tu jelahh then naik atas ONLINEEEEEE :D ma suruh aku buat hw and hell yeah, mmg HARAPAN la kan aku nak buat hw tu. but i'll tryyyyyyyy. HAHAHAHA! rinduuuu sekolahhh la siaaaaal, rindu lepak andalus after school semua. yang paling best pasal sekolahhh, boleh aku cuci mata pagi pagi tgk TWINS :D right tiara? HAHA, bodoh bodoh je. okayyyy thats it. tataaaaaa~

Guys :D

1.When she stares at your mouth,
Kiss her.

2.When she pushes you or hit you like a dumb ass cause she thinks she's stronger than you,
Grab her and dont let go.

3.When she starts cursing at you, tryin to act all tough,
Kiss her and tell her you love her.

4.When she's quiet
Ask her whats wrong.

5.When she ignores you
Give her your attention.

6.When she pulls away
Pull her back.

7.When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful.

8.When you see her start crying
Just hold her and dont say a word.

9.When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind.

10.When she's scared
Protect her.

11.When she steals your favorite hat
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.

12.When she teases you
Tease her back and make her laugh.

13.When she doesn't answer for a long time
Reassure her that everything is okay.

14.When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up.

15.When she says that she likes you

16.When she grabs at your hands
Hold her's and play with her fingers.

17.When she bumps into you
Bump into her back and make her laugh.

18.When she tells you a secret
Keep it safe and untold.

19.When she looks at you in your eyes
Don't look away until she does.

20.When she says it's over
She still wants you to be hers.

21.When she reposts this bulletin
She wants you to read it.

22.When she's mad
Hug her tight and don't let go.

23.When she says she's ok
Don't believe it, talk with her because 10 years later she'll remember you.

24.Call her at 12:00am on her birthday
To tell her you love her.

25.Treat her like she's all that matters to you.

26.Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid.

27.Give her the world.

28.Let her wear your clothes.

29.When she's bored and sad
Hang out with her.

30.Let her know she's important.

Good girls, bad girls:

Good girls say "thanks for a wonderful dinner"...
Bad girls say, "what's for breakfast?"
Good girls never go after another girl's man...
Bad girls go after him AND his brother.
Good girls wear white cotton panties...
Bad girls don't wear any.
Good girls wax their floors...
Bad girls wax their bikini lines.
Good girls loosen a few buttons when it's hot...
Bad girls make it hot by loosening a few buttons.
Good girls make chicken for dinner...
Bad girls make reservations.
Good girls blush during bedrooms scenes in movies...
Bad girls know they could do better.
Good girls never consider sleeping with the boss...
Bad girls never do either, unless he's very, very rich.
Good girls believe you're not fully dressed without a strand of pearls...
Bad girls believe that you are fully dressed with JUST a strand of pearls.
Good girls love Italian food...
Bad girls love Italian waiters.

late dinner

okay guess wht skrg dh 1.33am right? anddd im having my late late late dinner. siapa nak maggie? mari sini mari sini. wtf :D HAHA, thanks Mahir!

Differences Between Men And Women:

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

my bad ):

Why am I starting this blog? well, I am not sure yet. maybe to confess all my sins? free myself from the shame? perhaps to have people tell me what a horrible, terrible person I am?
It’s been the busiest couple of weeks ever, so this chinese new year better live up to my expectations! grr -______-"

HOHO, happy chinese new year

12.38 am
bosan bosan bosan. okay mercun tu tade kuat lagi ke nak bunyi. aku dh tutup telinga dgn bantal pun still dengar jugak. relax sudah, orang lain pun celebrate chinese new year && TAK PERLU kot nk main mercun mcm sial kuat gila. tak pasal je nnt ada org join ISRAEL yang bom bom GAZA tuh. eh fuck ah, bunyi tu sumpah annoying doe TAK TIPU. makin lama makin kuat aku bagi bom atom tau lah. eh hello, ingat MALAYSIA BAPAK KAU PUNYA?!?!?!
haihhh kalau ye pun dunia dah maju sampai nak buat mercun kuat kuat and bunyi mcm ni haa "siuuwwwwwwwww pommmmm pommm pommm" dah macam buang tabiat doe. HAHAHAHA, apa aku merapu nih. whatever it is, Happy Chinese New Year (:

sumpah geram dgn kauu. aku call bukan nak angkat. kalau angkat pun fr sure kau tido. wehh wehh jom jog esok *muka menipu*

perut aku dari pukul 11pm tadi dah berbunyi. apa la masalah. nak kata tak bagi makan, aku dah sumbat mcm mcm tadi. siot ah, nak makan tapi takut nak turun bawah. grrr PERLU KE HIDUP MCM NIH? touching pulak en. *takpasal*

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i miss school <3

kida, tiara, alya, natasha and me

perghhh rindu la sial time nihhh -______-"

nak makan nak makan nak makan!

survey part 1

Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now?

Have you ever cried
from being so mad?

Does anyon
e hate your ex?

Is anyth
ing bothering you?

Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
manyy <33

Are you missi
ng anyone?
yeaah i miss ************

Are you satis
fied with how things are going?
not really

What was your last thoug
ht before you went to bed last night?
cant recall

s your ex doing?
i dont even care

Have you ever tried
your hardest, then got disappointed later on?
too many times.

Are you happi
er now? Or four months ago?
four months ago

Have you ever given
up on someone, but then went back to them?

Do you still
talk to the person you fell hardest for?

How do you feel about
dont really care.

Have you made any new regre
ts this year?

you be shocked if your last ex said they hated you?
he probably do.

Have you ever been arres
not yet.

Does anyon
e know your myspace password?
yeahh fagha && kida.

Do you know a secre
t about one of your friends that would embarrass them?
haaa yeaah ! no worries. ill keep it safely :D

Do you do your own laund

Last thing
you bought for someone else?
exercise book fr shahmi. BODOH!

Does it bothe
r you when someone lies to you?
depends if its really bad.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
mmm nope.

of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it?
of course i meant it

Do you like to read?

s the last movie you saw at home?
High School Musical

How do you feel about
chocolate covered strawberries?
awww im so fuckingg love it

Who are all of the texts
in your inbox from?
bestfrnds andd him's

Are any of your frien
ds taller than you?
yeaahh. im not that tall

Who was the last perso
n you had a conversation with on the phone?
stupid guy, naqeeb.

were you on July 4th, 2008?
macam sial, mmg INGAT sebenarnya

Do you blow dry your hair?
once a week.

Do you usual
ly tell people when they hurt your feelings?
always and always

Do you like to cuddl
yehh ,

Does the thoug
ht of marriage scare you?
not really

Did you wake up in the middl
e of the night last night?
yeah sbb bunyi mercun mcm sial kuat.

Do you think
you're wasting your time on the person you like?
i dont think so

When was your defau
lt picture taken?

was it taken?
my dad's car

What is more impor
tant happiness or trust?

Do you even KNOW how to do the laund
hell yeah !

s the last time you had a headache?
last friday

Do you alway
s care what you look like?

Are you in a fight
with anyone right now?
yeah. and im really really sorry ):

t you stayed up in the past two weeks?
3.30 am

What were you doing
online && eating

Does your phone
ring in the middle of the night often?
i do off my phone

Have any memor
ies that you'd like to forget?
id love to

Are you afrai
d of falling in love?
i dont think so

s your heart lately?
very pain

Is it cute when a boy/
girl calls you baby?

Do you like tatto
os and piercings?

Do you want to have kids?

If so, what would
you name them?
ahaaaa secret :D sebab merapu sangat

Do you like to wear sweat

Are you playi
ng hard to get right now?

Do you miss your past?
most of the time.

When did you last hold hands
with someone?
last week

When was the last time you clean
ed your room?
just nw

What are you excit
ed about?
currently nothing.

If you could
change your eye color what would it be?
yellow. bahahaha

How is your hair?
straight i think

Have you ever lived
with your girlfriend / boyfriend?

you ever take someone back after they' ve cheated?

What do you have tatto
oed on you?

When is the last time you saw firew
merdeka last two years

Are you talle
r than your mom?
yeahhh :D

Did you dress
up on Halloween?

Do you wear makeu
depends on my mood

Have you ever been calle
d a bad influence?
errr yeaahh. from my mom !

Do you like to wear jeans
or a skirt?
jeans would be better

Do you prefe
r light or dark haired girls / guys?
mm both.

nak sambung upload photos :D

mari lah mencuci mata lihat kenangan lama. WTF! HAHAHA!

oh okay guess what? tadi ada someone call aku which is that guy tu laaa penyebab segala masalah aku, masalah negara && masalah DUNIA! fuck la weh. and knw wht, he ask me to go out with him this tuesday. MEMAMG TAK LA kan! kau dgn ex gf kau boleh pergi MATI. SIAL JAHANAM PUKIMAK KAU AH! kau dah rosakkan semua benda dalam hidup aku and plsss jgn cari aku balik. i hate you, yessss i do!

i miss them ):

after 3 week sekolah, and yeahhh aku update juga blog ni, ATLAST! HAHAHA, people yang baru follow this blog, sorry la eh? actually dh banyak aku delete all the post yg lama lama punya. just need some space to start a new life (:

hari ni 25 jan 09

nothing much, just bangun tidur then breakfast mandi online lepastu yang bestnya pergi wedding dekat PUTRA HOTEL! oh goddd, banyak gila hot guys weh. tak tipuuu -_____-" mak kata, hahh CUCI MATA BIAR BERSIH BERSIH! muahahaha :D makanan mcm siot tak sedap. tapi dah biasa sbb kenduri dekat tmpt grand mcm tu makanan mmg tak sedap. after wedding pergi rumah mak long dekat ampang which is dekat gila babi dengan rumah si cik farah hanan nih. mak long aku tu kalau bercerita mmg tak ingat dunia la en KUAT! so aku mcm layaaannnnn jela apa dia merapu. sumpah mak long ROCK doe. ada ke dia suruh aku colour rambut colour KUNING! WTF! mmg tak la kan. HAHAHAHA :D sembang punya sembang abah dah bising ajak balik sebab nak pergi tgk rumah apa ntah so follow je la. thennn dalam kereta BOSAN BOSAN taknak cerita. HAHAHA! then boleh pulak berangan nak pakai apa fr prom night laa hape laa. bodoh bodoh je. nothing interesting punnnnn.

22 Feb 09
OH FUCK, i miss my sister ALOT! kakak i lappppp youuuu <3

luahan perasan yang tak seberapa

wahahahaha sumpah mcm cibai je mamat tu. DULU time scandal bukan main lagi syg aku, trust aku semua, haaa lagi pentingggg! BAGI AKU HOPE 100% wehhh. and nw kau 'muncul' balik. oh god, apa motif doe? aku dah ada org lain then baru nak cari aku balik 'konon' nya la. HAHAHAHA! penat la weh, dulu aku tunggu kau mcm org gila. bila aku baru buat hal SIKIT, kau terus DUMB aku LIKE HELL! yeahhhh, what goes around comes around right? fine, i'm not in love with you dah tapi sakit hati la weh tgk muka kau. ishhh, plsss la elok elok aku dh GET OVER kau then tiba tiba kau dtg balik mcm tu je en? grrr im so fucking stupid -______-"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year (:

ok look people, today is a new year and i wish i could change everything. like my sister said, forget the past and keep looking forward. PMR is OVER and OVER and OVER!


aku penat menangis, tension, semua lah just sebab result mcm cibai. okay fine izz. dah la tu lupakan je. setiap kali on myspace mesti orang akan tanya result aku semua. WTF la! aku pun dgn baik hati bagitau semua. grr!


setakat ni tade lagi fr a TRUE TRUE LOVE :D