Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Nur Afiqah Azni :)

We've come a long way, haven't we?
How long has it been?
7 years? 8, maybe?
No matter how long the years, we're still together, aren't we?
Do you remember how we first met?
I do.

It was in primary 3.
As if we're meant to be.
As if we WERE lovers in our past lives, like you said.
I'm sorry I dont notice things as much as I should.
I'm sorry I'm always neglecting you.
I'm sorry I'm not attentive enough & that I dont know when things aren't right.
I'm sorry I'm not much of a best friend.

We might not go out everyday like best friends should.
We might not talk on the phone for hours like best friends should.
We might not go over to each others homes so much that we practically live
there, like best friends should.

But who said there were things that best friends should or should not do?
Who said there was a law that insisted on that?
Who said we had to do what others say we should?

They're not us.
WE are.
We dont do all that stuff.
But we're still US, aren't we?
And I want to stay us for the rest of our lives.

i love you

My Diana and Farah Hanan :)

You two are the most loyal friends I've known in this whole world.
You girls have stuck with me all through my hard times.

6 years with Diana and 2 with Fagha.
You two are the only people I've still been close with after primary school.

Thank you for not being bored of me.
Thank you for bearing with my bossiness and arrogance.

Thank you for remembering all the important things.
Thank you for staying by my side.

Thank you, for YOU.

We might not talk as much as we used to do,
but you girls will always be my two hands,

it's as if I cant get rid of you even if I wanted to.

And let me tell you, I dont.
And I never will.

So I guess you guys are stuck with me for life.

i love you.

to the loved ones :)

My khaleeda:

You have no idea how thankful I am that I met you.
Being your friend is one of the best choices I've ever made.
I sometimes wonder:

Why didn't I realise it earlier?
Why didn't I realise how closely connected we are?
Why didn't I realise that we had so much in common?
Realise, that You + Me = a beautiful friendship?
Like they say, better late than never.

And I'm so glad that I DID realise all that, and all at the right time.
I'm honoured that you come to me when you have problems.

That you confide in me when you're down.
That you choose me over so many to tell your worries and secrets.

Honoured, that you trust me.
You're so much more than just a friend to me.
You really are one of the most beautiful things that has happened to me.

i love you

Kida, Dee, Fagha and Jenny:

I'm sorry I haven't really been hanging out with you guys much.
Truth is, I haven't been having time for anything. Not even my own family.
I dont even remember the last time I called any of you.
I've just been so busy with my school work and the cheerleading and all.
I'm so sorry I cant spend more time with you guys.
I promise I'll try my best to give as much of my time to you as possible.

Just dont leave me. Please?

i love you all.

Pampered, Loved and Hated,

Nur Izzati <3

mrs singh, fuck you!

izz said, i need my phone back ): thank you

Thursday, April 16, 2009

la la land

My blog is so dead
Damn busy with school, so many things to do, so little time ):

I think im becoming depressed. The littlest things make me sad. Its like inevitable or something. I cant get over how my parents always get me to do things but not my brother. I have to many things to worry about already. Sometimes i feel like curling up into a ball and dying. I mean its not like anyone would care. Then all the worries will go away. No more school, friend, parental problems. freedom.I think people take me for granted. Not everyone does, but many do.I wonder where my friends have gone. It's like no one bothers anymore.It's hard not to think about the future. I wonder ten years from now if i'll even be alive. Wondering why i even bother trying when everyone has cut themselves off. I'm still trying to hang on. The pain goes away when i remember the good old times when life was filled with rainbows and unicorns. It seems these days the latest trend in life is to be dead. death is everywhere. war. killing. murders.Its hard not to get sucked into the deep, deep hole of what we call life, which ends in death.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


aku memang bodoh, and so what? -_____________-"

boring day

okay today macam biasa la sekolah, tak ada la have fun sangat. okay okay la. then around 11 something kida tak ada. she leave me alone, ouch damn bored. time lunch tadi dengan kira je, but it was fun sebab ktorang cerita pasal korean movie, HAHAHA! then fadhli and ady join us. after we had lunch, form 4 T ada free lessons, oh god bosan gila weh sebab kida tak ada. my life sucks without her, i love you kida <3 haaa after school hujan lebat yang teramat sangat ): hari ni sumpah bosan tak tau apasal. LALALOSER!

arghh izz is missing someone, SECRET :)
btw tadi dapat result, OMG! sumpah nak menangis. teruk gila weh, nanti aku bagitau eh macam mana rupa dia. HAHA! shitttttttttttttttttt, i hate school.

Friday, April 10, 2009



How are you guys doing? Recently, umm what can I tell about myself, umm physically, I'm doing pretty good. Emotionally, I'm not okay. Yes, I'm nt okay. Well, don't want to elaborate further aite :) So, this week is a tough week fr me. The toughest week. *sigh* On Monday, it was okay. Tuesday until Friday, uhh, catastrophe fr me. umm I cried every night. I get emo easily this week. Heh.

Just now, after had my dinner, umm again, I cried. I cried a lot this week. Thats all I can conclude. Haha. Well, enough.

And the best part ; I lost 1kg! Haha. Even though, it just 1kg, you know how much it means to me. HAHA. It is because, I'd lost my appetite this week because of all this craziness and STRESS! ahh, pape lah. take care darlings. ILY :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

bring it onnnn

H-E-L-L-O :)

Whoa, it feels good to be back! Aha. GAHHHHHHH. I hate going to school this year. I hate Form Four. Haish. And FYI, I'm not even touch my homework YET. OMG. I'm so lazy to do or even to look at the homework. Goshhhhhh. But, I have to finish them by end of this week. RIGHTTTTTTTTT.