Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Daniel :D

Wohooo happy sweet sixteen babe, 31 january. we love you <3 actually ktorg nak buat surprise party for daniel tapi tak jadi sebab cake baru beli lah and tht time tgh hujan lebat gila end up semua orang datang lambat. HAHAHA bangang! but it was fun okay. semua our bestfriends ada. cool gila! tapi penat jugak la tipu si daniel ni nak suruh dia datang andalus kalau tak mmg HARAPAN la en. mamat nih tau nak pergi rooftop je. bosaaaannn. penat je plan dgn hafsah which is daniel's gf. ktorg plan sampai daniel and hafsah gadoh. grr bangang jeh. sorry tau daniel && hafsah. wee but atlast diorang okay jugak. sweet gila okay hafsah datang bawak cake and cake tu seriously sedappppp. huishh, jealous gila weh! HAPPY BIRHDAY DANIEL SYARON <3

daniel kena baling tepung. SERONOK weh!

daniel, birthday boy (:

aww so sweet, actually cake tu hafsah yg belikan. COMEL gila && cake tu seriously sedaaap gilaaa!

happy birthday to you,
happy birhday to you,
happy birthday to daniel syaron,
happy birthday to you,
WE LOVE YOU, fullstop.

daniel's sister, so sweet.


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