Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grow Up

Almost a year ago everything was different. People's attitude, the way they dress, the way they speak, who they hang out with etc etc.

I find it interesting how in just a matter of months, a single person can change so much.

I think I've changed. No. Not changed, Grown. Maturing. What ever word fits you. I've compared myself now and then, how tangled up my life is some time ago, well now too sometimes, but I find it I handle them differently.

Compared others with their past, some change for the good, some just for the worst. They dont realised it, well not that I care. Its their life, and if it harms mine, well probably I'll stay away from them.

Why am I talking about this? Just reminiscing about the past.

People change and grow and mature. They wont be the same as they are. Its nature way of moving foward. Maybe I should too :) Life is waiting to be explore and here I am reminiscing the past. haha! Feeling deep -_______-"

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