Wednesday, February 18, 2009


haaa i miss my sabah boy aka ahmad mahir <3 abc special, fly tuition, waking u up every morning. goshhh i miss you loads ): okay dah izz, its time fr you to sleep. wohooo school <3

dear fucking ex boyfriend! eh weh sumpah kau tade life kan? go and fuck urself FUCKER! sumpah penat tgk numb phone kau doe. serious aku boleh buta tgk numb kau so its better for you to find your OWN LIFE! get it? and please stop from contact my friends >,< gila kau tade life doe!

17 february,

goshhhh i cant wait fr ths sunday bebeh :D i miss you kakak! hee haa huu hiiii bosaaaannnn. dekat sekolah tadi bosan sebab shane tade dlm class. HAHA seperti biasa time physics aku and kida PASTI akan buat hal dgn mr AK. sorry sir, i knw i'll get fail for my physics's test ): haa tadi aku dgn kida tido time physics 2 period :D oh goddd, bila bangun je sumpah fresh nak mampos! HAHAHA! gila babeng doe ktorang. aku pergi bantai guna ayat "period pain" and sir straight DIAM doe. and he was like "oh okay, u can sleep" WAOOOO! gila ah. kida bajet nak copy ayat aku tapi tak lepas. hee sorry sayang! setiap kali physics ktorang buat hal dgn sir, sumpah kecian doe mr AK. *muka bitchy* jahat gila kau kida. acehhh kida konon padehal aku pun sama en en. if ada shane atleast tade ah ktorang nk tido.

after lunch at 1.45pm,
aku kida and natasha pergi toilet betulkan rambut semua then haaa aktiviti harian ktorang bermula tht is 'snap picture dlm toilet mcm orang gila' HAHAHA! it was funn. dean and douglas semak je join ktorang. dah la suka hati je masuk girl's toilet. haha bodoh bodoh. ktorang guna phone douglas sampai memory full kot. menyirap je muka mamat tu. haa time biology ada free class then aku and kida lepak dekat form 4 O sebab diorang pun ada free class. then cerita pasal 'porn' bapak babi doe korang. dah la panggil aku 'noob' wehhh, mana ada aku noob -______-" nerd je kot, HAHA! whatever! nahhh photos :D kelakar nak mati

OMG, gila en ktorang? actually banyak lagi tapi malas nak upload. sampai esok pun takkan habis. HAHAHA bangang bangang! i love you loads bitchhh<3

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

while waiting

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long

Some are true and some aren't.
You guess which.

Monday, February 16, 2009

16 february :D

okay today macam mana? haa macam tu la. goshhh fight dgn mahir punya pasal sampai aku pergi sekolah pun tade mood. bak kata pepatah, mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena, makan tak kenyang haa study pun macam tak masuk pape en. hohhh teruk ah but atlast okay jugak, i love you mahir<3 ish bengang gila dengan minah sorang ni which is KIDA! engkau en, kalau bab bab tipu cikgu mmg hebat. haha tadi masa dtg sekolah dah la dtg lambat. tinggalkan aku sorang sorang. grr menyirap doe! then time ktorang tgh siapkan hw english yg dh 2weeks ktorang tak buat buat then minah ni boleh bantai tk bawak buku english. sumpah bangang! HAHAHA, then pura pura demam balik rumah. cuak dgn ms Aida punya pasal. hoho! guess wht kida? ms Aida masuk class tak ajar pape pun. bagi hw suruh siapkan dlm class haha macam bodoh! buat rugi je minah ni berlakon :D dgn aku tak dapat le jeppp! HUAHAHAHA, dah ah kena balik sorang plus aku tgh out of mood gila doe tadi. damn asshole! balik balik je mandi tidurrrrr! wehee best best bangun tido je dah OKAY and NOW, i'm so fucking shit happyyyy! *takpasal* wehhh izz asal kau bangang sangat ambil pure science? physics macam cibai susah la. FUCK YOU PHYSICS! okay dah, nak bunuh diri byeeee -_______-"

Sunday, February 15, 2009


haa i knw my valentine's day tade la best mana pun. honestly la! tapi ntah la malas nk fikir sebab bukannya patut nak celebrate sangat just fr fun. aww so sweet gila tadi. pergi mana mana ada orang jual roses la, candy and so much more. goshhh BEST GILA AH! tak tipuu. and ramai gila nampak couples pakai couple's shirt :D so sweet. wahai ahmad mahir, i love you<3 for the first time celebrate valentine with boyfriend and friends. goshh best best (: then all the girls yg masuk forever 21, pavilion dapat free rose. ahaa aku pun bangga gila la en dapat rose padehal free je. gagaga lady ghagha *hehh takpasal* i love you bestfriends (KIDA and FAGHA) muahhhh love you loads<3

kida fagha and dany

me fagha and kida

me fagha and kida <3

oh rose, i miss you <3

Saturday, February 14, 2009

fucking asshole BITCH!


i'm so sorry, enough is enough! i'm fucking tired with you. BOO YOU FUCKING LOSER!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The way you turn me on
Is like the switch of a light
Because when I see you
I think: What a sight!
You brighten things up
Throughout the whole day
And when you're about to leave
I say to myself: Please stay

Some day you might be my lover
Some day you might be my friend
Whichever one comes first
I hope will never end
Although I don't really know you
You mean a ton to me
A ton as big as heaven
Is what I want you to see

Baby I'm Yours- Arctic Monkeys

Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)
And I'll be yours (yours) until the stars fall from the sky,
Yours (yours) until the rivers all run dry
In other words, until I die

Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)
And I'll be yours (yours) until the sun no longer shines,
Yours (yours) until the poets run out of rhyme
In other words, until the end of time

I'm gonna stay right here by your side,
Do my best to keep you satisfied
Nothin' in the world can drive me away
'Cause every day, you'll hear me say

Baby, I'm yours
And I'll be yours until two and two is three,
Yours until the mountains crumble to the sea
In other words, until eternity

Baby, I'm yours
'Til the stars fall from the sky
Baby, I'm yours
'Til the rivers all run dry
Baby, I'm yours
'Til the sun no longer shines
Baby, I'm yours
Til the poets run out of rhyme



almost everyweek aku nak demam. kenapa eh? kadang kadang risau jugak. haihh -_____-" tp ntah la tak tau nk kisah ke tak. fine, forget it ): now, semua orang tgh sekolah aku ddk rumah baring atas katil, sakit perut, sakit hati, sakit badan. ahhhhh semua lah aku sakit! grr!
yeahhh btw,

happy birthday Nor Diana Ishak, BFF sampai mati :D 12 February 2009 <3
sorry tak dapat buat party untuk kau. but its okay, ONE DAY nanti aku akan buat. dont worry my dear, i love you!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grow Up

Almost a year ago everything was different. People's attitude, the way they dress, the way they speak, who they hang out with etc etc.

I find it interesting how in just a matter of months, a single person can change so much.

I think I've changed. No. Not changed, Grown. Maturing. What ever word fits you. I've compared myself now and then, how tangled up my life is some time ago, well now too sometimes, but I find it I handle them differently.

Compared others with their past, some change for the good, some just for the worst. They dont realised it, well not that I care. Its their life, and if it harms mine, well probably I'll stay away from them.

Why am I talking about this? Just reminiscing about the past.

People change and grow and mature. They wont be the same as they are. Its nature way of moving foward. Maybe I should too :) Life is waiting to be explore and here I am reminiscing the past. haha! Feeling deep -_______-"

Dear Loser,

101% fan of Mahir,
0% fan of you.
Deal with it.

boringgg dayyyy!

okay hari ni sekolah mcm biasa. tak best sangat tak bosan sangat. just nice la cuma lagi best kalau sorang mamat ni tade, SUMPAH AMAN gila SSU. eh fucker, kau tau tak yg semua org dekat SSU tu tak suka kau? eiuwww bapak annoying doe kau. bajet kaya, bajet hebat, bajet handsome && bajet PERFECT! ishhh meluat ah weh. HAHAHA, aku dgn kida kalau sehari tak kutuk tht guy tu sumpah tak sah doe. weheee tadi dia kena 'palau' dgn semua org. goshhhh gila bahagia hidup aku.

back to my story NOT him!

hermmm, lama tak update blog. sorry ): busy busy busy! and banyak homework! lately aku happy gila <3 HAHAHA I LOVE YOU! ahaaa btw, sumpah sedih sebab jenny and annissa nak pergi teknik. herm, im gonna miss you guys! please la jangan pergi. im serious wehh ): sorry gila kalau aku ada buat korang kecik hati dgn aku. i knw since aku pindah sekolah semua, aku jarang hang out dgn korang but it doesn mean aku dah malas nk layan korang. yeahhh sekolah dh jauh, balik lambat, ptg dh penat plus homework. kalau keluar pun, selalunya mesti last minute. bukan tak nak ajak tapi harap korang faham. nnt lagi la 'keluar last minute'. wtf apa aku merapu. SORRY SANGAT SANGAT and seriously aku sayang korang gila babi. dont worry, if korang pergi mana pun, aku still takkan lupa our friendship :D take care!

*haaaaa nak menangis* sebab tak pernah hilang bestfriends -_____________-

Sunday, February 8, 2009

hello blogger

baby i'm yours <3 HAHAHAH!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meet Dee

Friend since?
2002 -standard 3

How did u guys know each other?
primary school. class depan je.

Where do u guys meet for the first time?
toilet :D

Last time u saw her?
semalam lepak sharez dgn mahir, ajim and amin.

Her attitude?
OMG, kuat touching. trust me,

Famous as?
dee siput tak pun dee azriq. HAHA

Is she's taken? if yes,by who?
fr sure, by me, fagha and azriq ONLY!

izz said : i love you dee <3>

memerlukan ini teramat sangat,

i need this fucking shit LV handbag ):
anyoneeee, fr my birthday present please please!


herm today dah start sekolah and everything sama je cuma hari ni tak ramai sangat dekat dalam class. boring boring! herm aku dgn kida macam biasa gossip pasal semua orang. HAHAHA, i love you kida<3 eh eh dee, fagha and jenny pun. grr takpasal! then time coco period bosan nak mompos sebab siapa yang masuk gymrama kena practise but our leader(Aini) tak ada so ktorang which is aku and eva, HAHAHA ktorang reka step sendiri. sumpah kelakar! ahaa then go on with bio class after break. Bio seriously best gila. tapi tak tau la en kalau first test aku nnt macam mana but so far bio menarik :D weee~ haa paling bosan punya subject is physics. grr tak tau ah apa mr AK tu merapu. dia ajar sumpah macam tgh cerita bedtime story. HAHAHA, aku kida shane monty ikmal haikal mana dengar apa dia merapu. memekak dalam class kacau orang sampai mr AK panas dgn ktorang but who cares?! HAHAHA best la sial hari nih. aku & kida tade keje snap picture bawah meja bajet nak cover from mr AK. actually aku nk snap picture mr AK nk update dekat blog tapi tk sempat. mr AK malu malu -______-" wtf! HAHAHAHA :D

nahhh ambil ni muka tade, badan je!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

school, sports!

I dunno what u've been told,
YELLOW's aiming for the gold,
We'll give our best so cheer us on,
We wont give up untill the end .


I hate the way you talk to me,
I hate it when you stare.
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh;
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around,
And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you;
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.


i dont know how to express my feeling.
i dont know how to say and sometimes im confused of myself.
i dont regret but i feel regret. i feel dont but i need him.
i misss the other one but do he cares?
he's not for me and please please understand this.
its hard to find a guy like this one but
why do i still feel of the other one?
why do i still leave on his shadow. i dont like it and i hate it.
but why would this happen to me?
mark this word he doest care bout me anymore and he
already have someone in his life and same goes to me.
but he was my first. there will be no such thing or
such way that i can delete him frm my heart.
maybe there was a technical problem . hurm?
this is faith Nur Izzati
have to accept it no matter what.
just go on with ur lyfe and believes on urself.
i know u can do this. even how hard it is but u have to try okay.
i know im stupid and i feel stupid but i dont ask to be like this .

what i want in my life now is i want to be succeed !
i want this thing so badly and i have to achieve this.
i want to get flying colours for my SPM.
and i have to be strong and i have to work soo hard .
i've still got about 1 year and 9 months to go on.
believe this you will only sacrifices in just a little time
but once you get it you'll feel it in a longer time and
it will never ends :)

first february

helloo valentines :)

Happy Birthday Daniel :D

Wohooo happy sweet sixteen babe, 31 january. we love you <3 actually ktorg nak buat surprise party for daniel tapi tak jadi sebab cake baru beli lah and tht time tgh hujan lebat gila end up semua orang datang lambat. HAHAHA bangang! but it was fun okay. semua our bestfriends ada. cool gila! tapi penat jugak la tipu si daniel ni nak suruh dia datang andalus kalau tak mmg HARAPAN la en. mamat nih tau nak pergi rooftop je. bosaaaannn. penat je plan dgn hafsah which is daniel's gf. ktorg plan sampai daniel and hafsah gadoh. grr bangang jeh. sorry tau daniel && hafsah. wee but atlast diorang okay jugak. sweet gila okay hafsah datang bawak cake and cake tu seriously sedappppp. huishh, jealous gila weh! HAPPY BIRHDAY DANIEL SYARON <3

daniel kena baling tepung. SERONOK weh!

daniel, birthday boy (:

aww so sweet, actually cake tu hafsah yg belikan. COMEL gila && cake tu seriously sedaaap gilaaa!

happy birthday to you,
happy birhday to you,
happy birthday to daniel syaron,
happy birthday to you,
WE LOVE YOU, fullstop.

daniel's sister, so sweet.
