Saturday, May 30, 2009

bosan punya pasal =.=

What's one thing you do when you're mad?About what?
Ever been called a bitch?
I'm not a bitch
Do you like where you live?
How's your ex?
How often do you lose your voice?
How many kids do you want?
herm 2 or 3 only.
How's your sister?
shes in India, i miss her.
Does anyone like you?
idk and i dont even care
Are you a good babysitter?
No, and never
Do you have a job?
bodoh punya soalan, aku student lagi la weh.
Who was the last person to make you smile?
Ahmad Mahir :)
Are you LEGALLY able to drive?
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
herm i dont think so.
Who is your favorite person to have long conversations with?
Will you be in a relationship next month?
Yess :)
Are you any good at math?
Not that good actually but i love math
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Yes :)
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Nothing, missing someone.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
I dont think so.
Your enemy is at your doorstep begging for forgiveness, what would you do?
Oh, semua orang patut dimaafkan but NOT YOU, BLAH! HAHA
Last time you felt bad about something?
last two days.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
i dont know =.=
Do you miss your past?
Do you ever think "what if"?
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Would you ever get a tattoo?
Do you mind sleeping on the floor?
Siapa suka sleeping on the floor, daaa!
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
yes, my fucking asshole brother.
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
i hope so, *muka gatal*
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
This time last year, what was your love life like?
Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone?
Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Where is the person you miss the most right now?
Pavi lah kot, herm

Friday, May 22, 2009


meet my iqmal, fauzan and shane <3 i love you guys weh!

Happy Teacher's Day!

To post more entries regarding on my feelings and all that tiny winy silly lil thing that i used to post several months ago coz im a human with loads of emotions and love to express each one of my expressions in diff kind of way every time and that makes me a special person from any other heterosexual homosepian living in this planet but i somehow have to wait until both leagues are over and i deem, i got ample of time to blog about almost everything but preferably MORE about ME rather than anything else. HAHA izz cayunk kamo *eiuwww rempit bhai* LOL!
Fuhh. I typed in one breathe.
HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! eventhough kida nana azureen amelia and amira tak datang, aku still boleh HIDUP! yeah im proud of it :)
meet my fett :)

meet my emil and redza annoying :) HAHA

budak budak primary yang tak reti duduk diam. urghh

LOL, redza again =,=

meet my beautiful friends, nureen farahin and yasmin :)

meet my shafira :)

meet my beautiful TASHA :) i love you <3

xoxo darling :) love you mahir *tetbe*

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sri Utama's Trip

cilok pictures ni from ivan's blog. sorry ivann. HAHA!
Educational Trip
Beryl's Chocolate Factory

oh money, oh daddy!

haha, izz dah gila. i really wanna go there. "Keimyung University In Korea". WOWWW! please daddy pleaseeeee :)

As the time flies so fast, i'd realise that we need to start thinking smart. Be smart in every move we take, especially when it comes to money. money, money, oh money. Money plays an important role in our lives. People say, Money can buy anything in life, and that includes love and i must say, part of me do agree with it.

Everything circulating within our daily lives need cash.

When you eat (food),
when you drink (teh o' ice),
when you take your bath (sabun palmolive),
and even when you shit (tandas awam serbaguna).
As i was saying, everything in life needs money :) malaysia malaysia! haiyaa.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i love you mahir

I only feel like posting the pictures today,
So pictures below :D

hello loser :)

Bitch no.1 is seriously TOO OVERR LAH
She is such a busybody
and she has one stupid mouth
which talk nonsense which actually hurts people's feelings

&& This is what I found recently about her
I mean I don't believe it when I heard bout it
Cause it was told by my enemy
So that's why I don't believe
But now I think I'm 100% believing it
This bitch loves breaking people's friendship
She loves to make your relationship worse
&& Finally break it!
HA! Even if people didn't tell me that
I already realised it earlier on
Just not really sure only :)
That's why I didn't wanna say about it first

Please lahh weh!
I'm begging you
Please get a life of yours
Stop being oh-so-mature and giving advices to people
You're not that perfect and great anyway
and I think you're the most childish person I've ever seen
But acting so mature
&& Stop spying on me OKAY?
Asking where I'm going always and who I'm going with
Hello! Like i said it's my choice
So shut your blardy mouth
Before I shut them up for you
You better stop doing this
Or else it's end of our friendship

I'd rather live without you
Than to get threaten by you every single day :)

PS// Seriously, I need my own life
Don't control my life for me please, :D

boring post

At a certain age, u will realize that myspace is lamee-ass.
facebook will be the best connection between u and ur friends or maybe olldd friends.
Though i haven't understand how to use that fuckingbook.
but someday it would be my main things-to-do everyday. that is,
to check my facebook account. hee :D

my school day wasn't so bad.
can say nicee. i love going to school now. HAHA!

update more later. lazyyyyy :D

Thursday, May 14, 2009

1 2 3 4 i love you :)

i miss my sugarpie hunnybun <3 love you loads. haha bengang gila dengan en mahir sorang ni. dari pukul 2 call dia ajak jumpa TAK RETI RETI angkat phone. tape sayang i faham u tgh TIDO! LOL! okay hujan hujan hujan. tengah petir sambar menyambar. oh nooo! kena offline. tata love you guys too :) btw, im bored mannnnn!

back again :)

i love you ahmad mahir :)

When i'm with you you know you make my days so beautiful with your different ways you make me lighter i'm moving with the wind love. You know what you got for me i got for you too we can't pretend. Give me another chance to breathe in you got all the things i need and together we're just so complete you must be the reason i'm alive it's all so new yet so familiar everytime i'm next to you i feel somethin like forever yes that's right c'mon and talk to me let some uh that sweet poetic love fall over me. Give me another chance to breathe in you got all the things i need and together we're just so complete you must be the reason i'm alive. All this time i've been lookin for someone like you i never really thought you existed now i see my dreams are all comin true i just want to stay right here with you. We got together to create a new world only a real lover can understand the gift of this guy. Bells are ringin cause what you're bringin has got me singin. Now i can breathe in you're all i'm needin love is a breeze and spring is the season i'm feelin so alive inside and you must be the reason. All this time i've been lookin for someone like you i never really thought you existed now i see my dreams are all comin true. I just want to stay, right here with you. Give me another chance to breathe in you got all the things i need and together we'rejust so complete you must be the reason i'm alive <3