Wednesday, May 20, 2009

oh money, oh daddy!

haha, izz dah gila. i really wanna go there. "Keimyung University In Korea". WOWWW! please daddy pleaseeeee :)

As the time flies so fast, i'd realise that we need to start thinking smart. Be smart in every move we take, especially when it comes to money. money, money, oh money. Money plays an important role in our lives. People say, Money can buy anything in life, and that includes love and i must say, part of me do agree with it.

Everything circulating within our daily lives need cash.

When you eat (food),
when you drink (teh o' ice),
when you take your bath (sabun palmolive),
and even when you shit (tandas awam serbaguna).
As i was saying, everything in life needs money :) malaysia malaysia! haiyaa.

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