Friday, September 25, 2009

oh hell-o!

weh perempuan, sumpah doe menyirap anjing dengan kau. HAHAH terasa? bagus lah :D

oh ya, it's not too late for me to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA aite?

HELLO people :)
please forgive all my wrongdoings, xoxo LOVE YOU <3

Friday, September 11, 2009

i'm not okay

Suddenly, I dont know why?
Why? oh Why?

I've observed that life is getting harder day by day.
I'd figure peoples life, i saw the happiness on them but
who the hell know what was the inside? their feeling?
What do they feel? All my friends kept saying that
im like the happiest girl in the world, for like never
being moody nor depressed or whatsoever,
but who the hell knows whats was inside my heart?
sister? She's great. Even how hard im trying to hide
from her she'll know everything. But as a lil sister and
as a friends i dont wanna burden any one of my beloved .
But im still human rite? When i did cried or told them
something, so that means i really need their support.
By this time, as long as i can hide , i will hide it.
Sometimes i love to see people around me who i think
has a great life, they got what they want , they achive what
they dreams on, they love people who they really love.
I just wonder why cant i be in that way?
Maybe luck was not with me yet, but then i did feel ahh forget it.
I feel so down and so depressed, Why? I dont wanna have this
feeling and i hate it. I must try my hard to throw it away.
Its okay, Allah is always there for me anyway? hurm,
There was nowhere to hide, i Think.
Ignorance? is so my new bestfriend.
Pleasee ALLAH help me,

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hey Izzati :)

Hurm, Lifes? is just like a
rollercoaster, wehee~
We have our ups and downs and same goes to our
thought and feelings. Smiles? What do the smiles says?
It gives a thousand meaning to us, lets just figure it out ?
People will smile even they're depressed or broken?
People will smile even they have a lot of problem in their mind?
People will also smile even they dont like the people who
they smile with? How amazing a smile can be? Typical.
But I think a smile can twist to be like such a torn to our
heart . Because sometimes it might hurts more to smile
in front of everyone, then to cry all alone. Well, im just a
typical teenager who can be angry, insecure & confused.
Hiding from a real pain was so my biggest achievement.
Nobody's perfect tho. So, smilee people smileeeeee :)


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i'm back, finally! haha hey blogger, how are you?

so once again, its almost the end of my life and here i am, updating.
i know you've been coming around and waiting till i update, and i am deeply sorry that you had to wait.

so i've noticed HOW FUCKING DEAD MY BLOG IS.
but i still do check my cbox, so please do come and visit just to paster me to keep blogging, thank you :) idk why but i somehow get the blogging mojo in the middle of the night or earllyyy i the morning. like i suddenly wake up and while i was rolling on the bed, i had the sudden urge to blog. weird much? haha that's me! yeah i'm not goin to school today. kenapa tak pergi sekolah? "sakit perut la mak, tak larat nak jalan nih lepastu buat muka =,= haha" fine, at last lepas jugak. dee is waiting for me. i asked her to cut school today and she said that she had choir's practise so i was likee "ohmygod, sedap ke suara kau?" hahaha lek dee, aku gurau je. and yeah suddenly she asked me if i'm goin to school or not and i said "noooo, aku sakit perut, konon*" haha so now tengah menunggu abang yang dicintai tu keluar dari rumah so that this dee can enter my house :)

btw, do you know how much i love you mahir? im so sorry for everything. i'm afraid of losing you for second time.

I Love Them, i can't live without them. SERIOUSLY!
